Super Dakota

F#%k U & ur DisNey 🌍

F#%k U & ur DisNey 🌍

F#%k U & ur DisNey 🌍

Math Bass,

Baptiste Caccia,

Sarah Derat,

Cai Zebin,

Aleksandra Domanović,

Gareth Long,

Isaac Lythgoe,

Paul McCarthy,

Real Madrid,

Asha Schechter,

Julia Wachtel

29 April → 6 June, 2021

F#%k U & ur DisNey 🌍

F#%k U & ur DisNey 🌍

Math Bass,

Baptiste Caccia,

Sarah Derat,

Cai Zebin,

Aleksandra Domanović,

Gareth Long,

Isaac Lythgoe,

Paul McCarthy,

Real Madrid,

Asha Schechter,

Julia Wachtel

29 April → 6 June, 2021

© Isabelle Arthuis. Courtesy of the artists and Super Dakota, Brussels.

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F#%k U & ur DisNey 🌍
F#%k U & ur DisNey 🌍
F#%k U & ur DisNey 🌍
F#%k U & ur DisNey 🌍
F#%k U & ur DisNey 🌍
F#%k U & ur DisNey 🌍
F#%k U & ur DisNey 🌍
F#%k U & ur DisNey 🌍
Super Dakota
F#%k U & ur DisNey 🌍
F#%k U & ur DisNey 🌍
F#%k U & ur DisNey 🌍
F#%k U & ur DisNey 🌍
F#%k U & ur DisNey 🌍
F#%k U & ur DisNey 🌍

© Isabelle Arthuis. Courtesy of the artists and Super Dakota, Brussels.

Near Death Experience

Sarah Derat

Super Dakota

2011, polished Bronze, approx. 280 x 50 cm. © Isabelle Arthuis. Courtesy of the artist and Super Dakota, Brussels.

Tulip Mania

Isaac Lythgoe

Super Dakota

2021, mixed media, 190 x 80 x 45 cm. © Isabelle Arthuis. Courtesy of the artist and Super Dakota, Brussels.

Super Dakota


Math Bass

Super Dakota

2018, gouache on canvas, 213.4 x 228.6 cm. © Isabelle Arthuis. Courtesy of the artist and Super Dakota, Brussels.

The Reader

Cai Zebin

Super Dakota

2021, acrylic on canvas, 146.5 x 174.5 cm. © Isabelle Arthuis. Courtesy of the artist and Super Dakota, Brussels.


Paul McCarthy

Super Dakota

2009, yellow silicone, 30,5 x 25,4 x 25,4 cm. © Isabelle Arthuis. Courtesy of the artist and Super Dakota, Brussels.

Silver Junk Drawer (New Taste....New Smell)

Asha Schechter

Super Dakota

© Isabelle Arthuis. Courtesy of the artist and Super Dakota, Brussels.


the shape of time

Exhibitions Page


le jardin décomposé