Super Dakota




Sebastien Bonin,

Baptiste Caccia,

Alex Clarke,

Adham Faramawy,

Manuel Fernandez ,

Ditte Gantris & Rasmus Myrup,

Jeanette Hayes,

Michael Manning,

Hayal Pozanti

24 April → 23 May, 2015



Sebastien Bonin,

Baptiste Caccia,

Alex Clarke,

Adham Faramawy,

Manuel Fernandez ,

Ditte Gantris & Rasmus Myrup,

Jeanette Hayes,

Michael Manning,

Hayal Pozanti

24 April → 23 May, 2015

© Isabelle Arthuis. Courtesy of the artists and Super Dakota, Brussels.

05 →

© Isabelle Arthuis. Courtesy of the artist and Super Dakota, Brussels.

Think Tank

Jeanette Hayes


2015, animated .gif and tablet. Courtesy of the artist.

Sparkling Life, Pure Water, Healthy World,

Adham Faramawy


2015, animated .gif and tablet. Courtesy of the artist.

A river runs through it

Alex Clarke


2015, animated .gif, and tablet. Courtesy of the artist.



Exhibitions Page

