Super Dakota

Super Dakota

Qúod est súperiús est sicút id qúod est inferiús

Qúod est súperiús est sicút id qúod est inferiús

Baptiste Caccia

16 January → 23 February, 2014

Qúod est súperiús est sicút id qúod est inferiús

Qúod est súperiús est sicút id qúod est inferiús

Baptiste Caccia

16 January → 23 February, 2014

© Isabelle Arthuis. Courtesy of the artist and Super Dakota, Brussels.

Qúod est súperiús est sicút id qúod est inferiús

Baptiste Caccia

16 January-23 February, 2014

Super Dakota, Brussels

05 →
Super Dakota
Super Dakota
Super Dakota
Super Dakota
Super Dakota

"10/08/2012 n°14" (2014)

Baptiste Caccia

Super Dakota

Acrylic and screen printing on tarpaulin, 200 x 150 cm

Courtesy of the artist and Super Dakota, Brussels.

04 →
Super Dakota
Super Dakota
Super Dakota
Super Dakota


casual throws

Exhibitions Page


Super Dakota